First Baptist Greenville

First Baptist Greenville | A Community of Believers. Each Member a Minister.

Church at 847 Cleveland Street, Greenville, SC 29601

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First Baptist Greenville

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Sunday 09:00 am - 12:00 pm
Monday 09:00 am - 05:00 pm
Tuesday 09:00 am - 05:00 pm
Wednesday 09:00 am - 05:00 pm
Thursday 09:00 am - 05:00 pm
Friday 09:00 am - 05:00 pm

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Last reviews about First Baptist Greenville
in Greenville, SC

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    It's a shame to see a church staff lead its congregation away from the word of God such as this one has. I don't see any way you can truly follow Christ when you reject things the bible teaches. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.

    Added May 20, 2017 by Jeff Vissage
  • Your church is one of the biggest reasons we are looking seriously at Greenville as our next home! We come from a very justice oriented Baptist Church (Central Baptist Wayne PA) and believe that we will find in you the same philosophy. We believe that to be kind, loving and accepting of all is truly following the teachings of Jesus! I can only give you 4 out of 5 stars at this point because my wife and I have not yet visited.

    Added March 14, 2017 by Terry Rhinebold
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    The leadership of this church has lost its mind!! It does not have a sound doctrine. They are ordaining transgender ministers when the Bible clearly tells us this is a perversion of the mind. And that God despises homosexuality. God loves the person but hates the sin. God has commandments for us to follow to help us in our lives and walk with him to know right from wrong. God wants you to look to him and not to be of the world and what it thinks is ok. This church is leading people astray! You have to speak the truth even if people don't like it!! I would give this church 0 stars if I could! Narrow is the road to Heaven and broad is the road to hell!!!!

    Added February 15, 2017 by Abi Hall
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    I visited this church today for the first time. Their children's message was actually pretty good. It was about feelings and that we need to consult God as to what feelings we should act upon or not. Next was the sermon and it was titled " There's something about Mary" and the pastor began by talking about the rated R movie from which his sermon shares the title. He stated "I don't want to spoil the ending for you, seeing that you'll all probably go home and watch it this afternoon". Not discouraging a blatantly unrighteous movie: that felt like a bad move, but I continued listening. He went on to talk about Mary Magdalene (typical start to a December sermon) and was explaining how the Roman Catholic views her. He explained that their view originally was not commenced by the church but by the congregation and that it took many years until the Roman Catholics added it to their beliefs. He mentioned that we was fond of Mary's "rebelliousness" for carrying Jesus throughout pregnancy and not caving into any *presumed* peer pressure. I understand the context of which he was speaking of, but it seemed that he was pulling things out of Scripture that just wasn't there. Later on, he suggested that the reason she started being viewed so highly was because, as a human, she was very relatable. He even suggested that she was more relatable than Jesus because "Jesus never went through a divorce or having his child die or having marital problems." That's a pretty bold statement to say that he admires Mary (a great woman, nevertheless, dead) over Jesus (the maker of humanity, still alive) in terms of relatability. He explained how her shrine in the Catholic Church are sometimes set to the side with candles and an altar where you can pray to her, and later commented that "they are beautiful", never rebuking them for idolatry. My gosh, they're praying to a statue, let's not get it twisted! After looking at the google reviews for this church, sadly, I'm not surprised to see the negative comments concerning their acceptance of ordained transgenders. After hearing the pastor's speech for 15 minutes without a single reference to the Bible and all of the talk of Mary, I quietly stepped out. Keep looking.

    Added February 01, 2017 by samuel proia
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    I visited one time and that was enough. I was never spoken to other than the man at the door opening it for me. And even he never welcomed me. I hung around in the foyer after service for a bit and not a soul approached me. During the service I noticed that the Pastor never made reference to the bible one single time. I thought that was strange. I have never, ever been to a church that didn't make reference to the bible. And the dark robes were unusual. I didn't think much about it at first other than thinking about the Catholic church. But later it really started to bother me. It just didn't sit right with me.

    Added December 02, 2016 by Curly Mike
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Website title: First Baptist Greenville | A Community of Believers. Each Member a Minister.